No one is in a better position to advance with this progress than trained technician. The Marconi School of Wireless has combined training facilities with most up-to-date methods to ensure that every graduate has knowledge necessary to become thoroughly competent in this field. 1XA MARCONI or A Call, write or p/tone- SYDNEY 47 York Street FILL IN AND POST COUPON TO-DAY TO MARCOKI SCHOOL OF WIRELESS Please send me without obligation your prospectus. NAME ADDRESS MARCONI SCHOOL OF WIRELESS Conducted by: AMALGAMATED WIRELESS (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED A.M.I.R.K.I. (Auit.) KEITH JEFFCOAT (VK2BK) KEITH WOODWARD (VK2ZAU) JOHN DAVIDSON (VK2tJE) ROBERT FLYNN Advertising: SELWYN SAYERS, Mgr.

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Used to direct precision tracking equipment, each uses 18 crossed dipoles in tour quadrants. The outputs of quadrants are phase compared to produce an error signal which is used to bring antenna into coincidence.